
What is Lenticular?

What is Lenticular?

Lenticular printing is a printing technique on lenses, which gives the possibility to simulate the feeling depth or the images change from one to another or move when viewed from different angles.

To simplify we could say that this is a way to treat a static image to make it a picture 'life itself', making it look 3d effect , movement, makeover, zoom , among others.

lenticular image is essentially the combination of a plastic sheet and an interlaced image . The plastic sheet has two sides:

  • One face has incorporated lents with which, depending on the angle you look at it, you can see aligned pieces of the interlaced image.
  • The other face is plane and its used to print the interlaced image.

The combination of interlaced image with the lens allows our brain interprets through our eyes, different parts of the image located on the smooth side of the lens. < /p>

interlaced image is a digital file that combines multiple images interpreted by software that creates alternating bands as patterns and require very precise alignment lenses or Lenti , particles .

The result of this combination is the perception that the image comes alive as you move the sheet or as we move against her. With each move, the viewing angle allows a new image focus that expands to fill the width of the lenticule, hence the call technolo to lenticular .

Roughly there are different types of lenses but could define two main groups: lenses for large format production and manufacturing lenses small format , each used for different applications.

small format lenses are thinner and mainly are designed for applications involving the use of hands. In these lenticular images are moving in the hands of the observer to see the effect obtained.

Meanwhile, manufacturing lenses for large format are reserved for higher brackets ysize are usually located in places where static observer is Who , n moves to see the effects .

Lenticular images can be produced in thousands of applications and have millions of possibilities. They can be used for business cards, First Communion reminders, postcards, wedding invitations, boxes , decorative panels, posters, billboards or even to decorate a wall.

You can convert the design to send the customer a lenticular images , or we can also instruct us design. The secret of our quality control is that each of the parts of the process manufacturing.



  1. #
    Marc Grau Diciembre 5, 2014

    Bona tarda. Vaig deixar un missatge la setmana passada, com que no rebo resposta insisteixo:S%C3%B3c aficionat a les fotografies estereosc%C3%B2piques i els anaglifs i estic investigant la possibilitat de fer postals lenticulars per a la venta. Voldria saber si %C3%A9s factible fer postals lenticulars amb efecte 3D a partir de les dues fotografies d%27un parell estereosc%C3%B2pic. En cas afirmatiu, podria demanar una prova per veure el resultat a partir d%27un parell estereosc%C3%B2pic meu?. Si fos correcte podria encarregar una comanda.Gracies. Marc Grau

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