
Lenticular Panels in commercial areas: The successful project executed for Festina Group

Lenticular Panels in commercial areas: The successful project executed for Festina Group

Today, we would like to talk about a new interior decoration project, executed with 3D lenticular technology that we have carried out on behalf of the Festina Group and their new shop in the Nevada Shopping Centre in Granada.

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The perfect combination: Lenticular Covers, Packaging & engagement

The perfect combination: Lenticular Covers, Packaging & engagement

Since the late nineteenth century people like Eadweard Muybridge experimented with moving images. Muybridge's hand came zoopraxicopio that consisted in projecting images placed on rotating glass disks in rapid succession to give the impression of movement. In the first projector the images were painted by hand, in the second drawing drawings hand-colored photographs were used. Known throughout the world is your image of galloping horse.

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Lenticular Fashion

Lenticular Fashion

The lenticular is applicable to almost all formats and objects, as we know. Today we will focus on the fashion world, because, the lenticular has also broken in this sector and created really wonderful pieces.

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Very Urban, Very Lenticular

Very Urban, Very Lenticular

We have been strolling through the different cities of the world and have found that the lenticular is a strong trend. You can find it in streets and buildings around the world and legions of artists and graffiti decorate the street furniture lenticular motif. Fences, blinds, trellises, etc. All these elements serve all these artists canvas.

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The other side... #MarketingOnline

The other side... #MarketingOnline

As we announced in the previous post, today we will talk about online marketing and its importance. As promised!

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Success by impression - Fulfilling the estrangement to position your brand?

Success by impression - Fulfilling the estrangement to position your brand?

Today we want to show you a unique example of a highly effective and powerful advertising, capable of surprising the audience. This campaign of Pepsi, placed on a bus shelter is able to produce laugh, mourn and scare to watch it.

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Corporate Identity. How do you build a brand?

Corporate Identity. How do you build a brand?

The corporate image is the first marketing tool of every business. Its main function is to serve as an identifier. Identifier in many aspects.

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From shadow puppets to kinegrams, a walk through the history of lenticular

From shadow puppets to kinegrams, a walk through the history of lenticular

From the Shadow Puppets of Java Island, about 5000 years BC, to our days' lenticular images, we discover a hole history of works and studies developed throughout the world, in which have participated artists, intellectuals and researchers as important and recognizable as Aristotle, Alhazen, Leonardo Da Vinci or Alberto Durero, with their studies on the obscure camera, as well as others, like David Brewster with his Kaleidoscope, Niépce and Daguerre with the invention of the daguerreotype and photography; William Dickson and Thomas Edison with honograph and kinetoscope, or the well known brothers Lumière with their cinematograph.

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