
Surprise and interaction as key to success in billboards advertising: Hyundai Tucson Campaign

Surprise and interaction as key to success in billboards advertising: Hyundai Tucson Campaign

Today we want to show you our last work consisting in large lenticular panels, which has became a huge success because of the impact it has generated in their final recipients. It is a campaign that we have developed together with the communications agency responsible for promoting the Hyundai Tucson, the Korean giant's new car.

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Leif Podhasky. El artista de la Psicodelia

Leif Podhasky. El artista de la Psicodelia

Como si acabase de salir de Woodstock, Leif Podhasky, ha traido hasta nuestros días la psicodelia llevada a su máximo exponente.

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The perfect combination: Lenticular Covers, Packaging & engagement

The perfect combination: Lenticular Covers, Packaging & engagement

Since the late nineteenth century people like Eadweard Muybridge experimented with moving images. Muybridge's hand came zoopraxicopio that consisted in projecting images placed on rotating glass disks in rapid succession to give the impression of movement. In the first projector the images were painted by hand, in the second drawing drawings hand-colored photographs were used. Known throughout the world is your image of galloping horse.

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Lenticular Fashion

Lenticular Fashion

The lenticular is applicable to almost all formats and objects, as we know. Today we will focus on the fashion world, because, the lenticular has also broken in this sector and created really wonderful pieces.

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Im-Pre-Ssive Printing

Im-Pre-Ssive Printing

Last week we explained how to create images in "lenticular" with mobile applications in digital format. Today we will talk about how to bring these images to reality and the different effects that can be created by the diferent types of printing.

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Moving images, here and now

Moving images, here and now

We live in the society of the image. We are often sharing images over our lives, habits, tastes, interests, etc. We could say we communicate mainly through the images.

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Lenticular X Motino = Movement²

Lenticular X Motino = Movement²

As Heraclitus of Ephesus  said "the only thing that is permanent is the movement". And today we'll top it. Today we speak of lenticular applied to moving objects.

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Urban Stories: Everyday Offline Marketing

Urban Stories: Everyday Offline Marketing

It seems that offline marketing is outdated. And we only receive messages sent through emails, social networks, websites, etc..

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3D Anaglif Technology. So real that you can almost touch it

3D Anaglif Technology. So real that you can almost touch it

The anaglyph is an effect that when it is applied to an image creates a 3D feeling. To perceive properly  the effect it is necessary to use anaglif lenses.

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Success by impression - Fulfilling the estrangement to position your brand?

Success by impression - Fulfilling the estrangement to position your brand?

Today we want to show you a unique example of a highly effective and powerful advertising, capable of surprising the audience. This campaign of Pepsi, placed on a bus shelter is able to produce laugh, mourn and scare to watch it.

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Corporate Identity. How do you build a brand?

Corporate Identity. How do you build a brand?

The corporate image is the first marketing tool of every business. Its main function is to serve as an identifier. Identifier in many aspects.

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Decoration with Lenticular Panels

Decoration with Lenticular Panels

The interior decoration expresses its scope in many different applications. We may be talking about a store décor, to the decor of a museum, a restaurant or a stand.

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Cinemagraph: A new lenticular application

Cinemagraph: A new lenticular application

Two years ago, a newyorker photographer, Jemie Beck, and a web designer, Kevin Burg, had a so crazy like brilliant idea: mixing the images in movement, so known in the network like gif animated, with a static image and create a new concept of animation. This effect was baptised like Cinemagraph.

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